
NEXT POP UP SHOP is April 12th, 2025- ATL Passport to the world from 11 am until 5 pm located at Atlantic Station 241 20th Street , Atlanta, GA 30363.


Royal Beads Beetle Juice


Beetle Juice despite its funky name is a powerhouse drink made to fortify your joints, assist with regulating blood pressure, while strengthening the liver, kidneys and has even been known to help improve eyesight and the appearance of your skin, stalling breakouts and repairing underlying damage. Ashwanghanda is also incorporated to help with stress and anxiety.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product supports a healthy lifestyle. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary based on diet and exercise. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a specific or particular result, and you accept the risk that results differ for each individual. Health, fitness, and nutrition success depends on each individual’s background, dedication, desire, and motivation. Always consult your healthcare professional before consuming any dietary supplement. (32 oz size)



16oz, 32oz, 60oz


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